Introducing Linda Newman….
A yoga teacher, writer, lover of life & founder of Radiant Body Yoga. My mission is to inspire and support, to share techniques and experiences that help you to get off the path of distraction and exhaustion and unlock your hidden potential to thrive in
life…without feeling overwhelmed.
I teach you how to use the yogic practices to awaken the creative energy within. I help true seekers to create positive life rituals that support meeting the challenges of work, relationships, and family, with courage and grace. I empower you to go beyond your conditioned mind and experience the beauty of pure being. A little more about me…
I have been teaching for more than 35 years, and teaching teachers for over 20. Originally from the UK I first discovered Hatha
Raja yoga at age 13 (no yoga mats back then) In the late 80’s I arrived in Asia and discovered Ashtanga I studied with master
teachers (the legendary David Swenson being my first) and soon began teaching.
Over 20 years ago I arrived in Australia, fortunately my karma brought me to my teachers AG & Indra Mohan, true masters of
yoga, who studied with Sri Krishnamacharya for over 18 years. Other teachers include Sri Dharma Mittra, Swami Omkarananda (Rishikesh) Gregor Maehle, Rod Stryker, Jai Dev Singh, Nicky Knoff and more…